is a full time working artist who is in the studio daily - contemplating the next thing.
The Mountain Record interviews
Michelle Seigei Spark on art process.
“Art-Making Joy”:
Set of 12 Original Artwork Cards and envelopes
Set of 12 Original Artwork Cards and envelopes
Original artwork reproductions: collage, oil, watercolor,iPad media.
Proceeds benefit The National Buddhist Prison Sangha, a program of
Zen Mountain Monastery.
Zen Mountain Monastery
The Mountains and Rivers Order is a Western Zen Buddhist lineage established by the late John Daido Loori Roshi and dedicated to sharing the dharma as it has been passed down, generation to generation, since the time of Shakyamuni Buddha.
Virginia Center for the Creative Arts
Since 1971, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA) has provided uninterrupted time and space for artists to produce the finest works of literature, visual art, and music. VCCA hosts over 400 Fellows each year at two locations: Mt. San Angelo in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Amherst, Virginia, and the Moulin à Nef, in Auvillar France.
Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild
The Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild is a regional center for the arts located in Woodstock, New York. From its 250-acre mountainside campus and its arts and performance center in the village of Woodstock, Byrdcliffe offers an integrated program of exhibitions, performance, classes (ceramics, jewelry, weaving, and writing), workshops, symposia, and artists’ residencies.
Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program
The Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program (AWSMP) is a joint effort between Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County, the Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District, and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection. The three agencies work collaboratively to maintain the health of streams in the Ashokan Reservoir Watershed.